LAUREN'S BUTTERFLIES OF BELIZE (Part Eleven) Is brought to you by Remax Island Real Estate - everything we touch turns to sold! THE BLUE LEAFWING BUTTERFLY WOW! This is a beautiful butterfly. The Blue Leafwing Butterfly is the rarest butterfly of this species. Butterflies of this family are especially rich in the tropics and are especially abundant in Belize. They are highly variable, and there are more species in this butterfly family, than any other here in Belize. Adults vary in size from small to large, and their front legs are reduced, which makes them unable to be used for walking. Some Leafwing species have irregular margins (anglewings and commas), and others have long tail like projections (daggerwings). The most frequent colors of Leafwing butterflies are browns, oranges, yellows, and blacks. The iridescent colors such as purples and blues are among the rarest of this species. As seen above, the iridescent blue, makes this Leafwing a rare find indeed. For this reason, you will not find many pictures of this butterfly. Some Leafwing adults, live longer than most other butterflies, surviving 6-11 months. Adult feeding behavior depends on the species, where some groups primarily seek flower nectar, others feed only on the sap from flowers, rotting fruit, dung or animal carcasses. Males exhibit perching and patrolling behaviors when seeking mates. Egg-laying varies widely, as some species lay their eggs in clusters, while others lay their eggs in columns, or singly. If you get the great opportunity to see one of these, it's a true blessing. This butterfly is one of my favorites, because it is not only rare, but it is truly beautiful.
LaurenHi, my name is Lauren. I've been living in Belize my entire life. I hope you enjoy reading about things all the things I like. BUTTERFLIES OF BELIZE!
Check out my current blog series on Butterflies of Belize. I have 72 butterflies to tell you about. COMING SOON!
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May 2012